ROOMATHISTABLE is a Puppet Ministry committed to partnering with you in helping children
develop an exciting and growing relationship with God. We bring the Bible to life in a way
a child can relate to and remember, with a sincere hope it will last a lifetime.

The story behind… It all started with a song!

In August of 1995 orchestrated by the late Carolyn Bennett,

a family group was founded and that was the genesis of a gospel music team. It was a dream come true!

Amazing Grace was born!!
The Bennett’s traveled and sang at numerous churches and various venues around the area.




Life’s Lessons created a New Name and a Vision

Grandma Audrey Drake always made room at the table for anyone

who happened to be around at mealtime.

This trait was also evident in Carolyn Bennett. It was through these life’s lessons

the Lord reminded us that because of His Amazing Grace…

there is room for any and every one at His Table.

Consequently, Amazing Grace became “ROOMATHISTABLE”

with the ministry focusing on children through children’s puppet programs

Chris and Pamela Bennett have from the very beginning identified the need and understood the importance of teaching children of all ages about the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In the year 2005, they answered God’s call into the puppet ministry where through the use of puppets, Bible truths could be reinforced to help children gain a better understanding of how to apply these truths to their own lives.

Yes, through fun and in an entertaining way they wanted to, and this continues even today where they love to share about God’s Amazing Grace and to let the children know that there is ROOMATHISTABLE for them as well!

Need text here - all 4 - we can remove this section if you dont want it!

We believe in providing awesome artistic experiences.

We believe in unlocking imagination.

We believe in the people behind the puppets.


Need a tag line and testimonials of previous shows we did!!!!!
today’s newsletter and what you’d like to.

Volunteer With Us

If you have a heart and passion to be part of the puppet ministry
and consider a great reward of seeing children responding to God’s love…contact us.